
Porcelain Bone



Porcelain Bone


In collaboration with Langland UK, we created this print campaign to raise awareness for Gaucher’s Disease. The symptoms of the disease are weakness, painful bones and an intense burning sensation deep inside the bone. The fragile porcelain bone is illustrated with enameled designs representative of the symptoms that are being lifted away: fire, a volcanic eruption and a bee sting. We are pleased to announce that this campaign has won 4 Cannes Lions awards!




The project had a tight turnaround time, so we proposed a production solution utilizing a range of our services – including hand drawn illustration, CGI, stock imagery and retouching. By providing all these in-house, we were able to creatively lead our team of artists to produce consistent work throughout the whole process.

We researched porcelain designs and different types of bones with abnormalities consistent with Gaucher’s patients. From this, we then planned the shape, form and length of the bone and created a base to develop upon.

A basic CGI model of the bone was created, we setup initial camera lensing and pre-visualized the composition for each of the 3 layouts. We then produced rough concept art, explored the designs for the exterior of the bones and incorporated each element to match the decorative style of the chosen imagery.


Post Production | CGI

Next, we mocked up the designs onto low poly CGI bones to explore various materials and textures on the bone surface. Once the client agreed on the direction, we progressed to the hi-res stage by hand drawing the illustrations. The drawings were then placed onto our 3D bone, peeling away from it. We ensured the perspective, lighting and shadows reacted realistically by mapping the illustrations and stock imagery onto the bones in 3D. We then applied the porcelain varnish onto the illustrations for a credible and consistent finish. The colored background allowed for the creation of a photorealistic reflection on the porcelain bones.

Our retouch team carefully composited all the CGI elements together, finessing subtle texture details and overall color grade for the campaign.


