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Smurfit Kappa


Extinction of Waste


The team at Huskies Agency asked us to produce a film and print campaign for Smurfit Kappa, a leading global packaging company. They wanted to highlight the vast amount of waste in our environment and demonstrate the steps they are taking to eliminate packaging waste and make it more sustainable. The brief was to create a whale, spider, goose, turtle and butterfly, all made out of different waste materials, that would feature alongside real creatures in their natural environment.

Our creative director Jerome Haupert directed the movie, overseeing the creation of the various creatures made of waste, but also the storytelling, the music and the final grade. It was a complete Taylor James production, the footages shots inside the facility were supplied by the client.




The whale is the first mammal of the film and it was important that at first glance, the viewer believes it to be a real whale, and at second glance it’s revealed as a mass of waste that truly reflect what’s in our oceans. This included the right balance of plastic bags, Styrofoam, shoes, straws, bottles, glass, food wrapping, cans etc. Designing each of the ‘waste animals’ was the main technical and creative challenge of the production and we went through several iterations to define how best to describe each animal in waste form. All the waste elements were created in CGI and then seamlessly integrated into live action footage.

smurfit CONCEPTS-whale.jpg
smurfit CONCEPTS-turtle.jpg
Smurfit CONCEPTS-spider.jpg
Smurfit CONCEPTS-goose.jpg

